Project Overview

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to connect to one’s community is greater than ever. Our vision for the Norwich Grange Hall addresses this need – by providing a place where people of all income levels, ages, backgrounds, and tenure in Norwich and the Upper Valley – can come together as one. To accomplish this vision, the restored Norwich Grange Hall will serve as an inclusive gathering place– hosting crucial community-building activities and services.


· To create a thriving community center in a renovated, accessible, energy-efficient building that retains the historic character of the Grange—a space where residents and other local groups can gather for meals, celebrations, performances, and other events that build community.

· To create a self-sustaining space which will allow the Norwich Community Collaborative to thrive and care for this building going forward.

· To create an organization that will serve as a hub for Norwich’s nonprofits and volunteer organizations, improving communication, increasing volunteerism, and supporting collaborations.

Vision Future Partners Activities
Community Connectivity

  • Community Nurse Children’s Art Studio
  • Norwich Historical Society
  • Norwich Lions Club
  • Events, workshops, and performances that bring the community together.
  • Art projects and exhibits that celebrate and connect people and community.
  • Youth and afterschool programs that foster friendships and inclusion.
Community Food System

  • Willing Hands
  • Aging in Place
  • Norwich Recreation Department
  • Norwich Farmers
  • Collaborations with organizations to increase consumption of healthy, sustainably grown local food
  • Events that support and showcase local food producers and processors.
  • Classes and programs that educate and inspire.


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